Hello, gorgeous creature...

I’m Morganne. I’m a Lifestyle Dominatrix, Feminine Power and Sovereignty Coach, Self-Love Guide & Mentor, Erotic Alchemist, Wellness Daddy, Pleasure-centered Sex Educator, Multidisciplinary Artist & Creatrix, Consultant, DJ, Stylist, advocate for the destigmatization of kink and sex work, and spiritual cheerleader for those who yearn to cultivate wholly embodied self-love and unabashed erotic liberation.

I am here to guide and support you in the deliciously uncomfortable and decidedly sexy work of owning, integrating, and embodying the most authentic, ignited, and fully-expressed version of you. One could say I specialize in helping you unlock the intrinsic wisdom that already resides deep within your own body, and granting yourself the sacred permission slips that allow you to move in alignment with your deepest desires for your life—even if; especially if—those desires live far outside of society’s expectations of you.

Within my containers, from mentorship to consulting to kink education and beyond, you’ll find a courageous space in which to explore your shadows, rub up against and challenge your internalized belief systems and social conditioning, expand your window of tolerance for doing hard things, take full ownership of your innate power, agency, and alchemical capacity, and come home to your whole, multifaceted, and Divinely freaky self.

I invite you to explore my offerings to learn more about the many ways we can work together…


-Carl Jung